Professional Experience
•Mayor/Safety Director, Seven Hills, Ohio (8 years)
•Councilman, Seven Hills 2003-11 & 2020--to current
•Attorney, Private Practice Licenses:
Ohio Supreme Court
U..S. District Court, Northern District of Ohio
U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals
Colorado Supreme Court
•2020 Public Defender, City of North Royalton
•Private Business Owner
•Former UAW Legal Services Plan Attorney Proudly representing UAW Union Members
•Past law instructor of paralegal students
•President Parma Bar Assoc., 2004
•Former Staff Attorney, Cuyahoga Community College
•Normandy High School, Parma, Ohio
•B.A. Political Science, Kent State Univ.
•J.D., Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
•Decades long resident of Seven Hills
•Served on Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Finance Council (Slavic Village) and Padua High School Board of
Trustees (Parma, OH)
•Served as court appointed Guardian ad Litem for dependent, neglected and abused children
•Amateur woodworker and Ham radio license KD8SCT
Having served two four year terms as
Seven Hills Mayor/Safety Director and
five two year terms on Seven Hills City
Council, (currently my sixth) now is
the time to offer my experience and
qualifications to advance the newly
created District 15 and the State of
Ohio, and help guide us to a future of
opportunity, prosperity, and safety.
Navigating the many strong opinions
of others to reach decisions and build
consensus and progress has been one of
my strengths. I have always believed
that some of the best outcomes can
result from sometimes intense, but
always civil, debate. It is vital to
attaining success that we maintain
professionalism and concern for
everyone involved. I have proven that
disagreeing, but with mutual respect,
while also steadfastly preserving our
core values, can and do work together.
Our family moved from Cleveland in the 1960's. So, Seven Hills (and more broadly, Ohio House District 15) is truly my “home.” I was raised in a blue-collar union family, and I know the importance of that history. My Dad was an autoworker and very active in the union from the early years of the United Auto Workers until his retirement.
Mom set annual real estate sales records before forming her own brokerage firm.
My wife, Judy, holds a Ph.D. and is a
retired school administrator. We share two rescue dogs. Our daughter, Jessica, recently married a great son-in-law, and completed her MBA while working for a large local firm. Now that she is building her own future, I can offer my passion for public service and experience to a larger constituency in District 15.
As an attorney, I am continuously
exposed to the challenges, mistakes
and opportunities that businesses and
individuals confront on a daily basis.
As a former Mayor, I will bring my
experience to work with everyone,
every day, should I be elected to the
office of State Representative.
During the coming weeks, I look
forward to sharing with you my ideas
and qualifications, but more
importantly, to listen, and discuss real
world solutions for real life issues.
If elected to serve as the first State
Representative in our new District
15, I will provide competent,
trusted, leadership.
Thank you for your consideration and support. --Rick Dell’Aquila